Saturday, 31 August 2013

My lively sister-in-law's booster methods (now in shortened form)

My problem-    
 "Come on, Anni,  just write something,"  my sister - in - law  (husband's sister) went on
  urging me as my hand  kept going to my head in desperation. "With your brains  you  just can't go wrong,"she sounded much more confident than I.

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 I was trying to complete my' notes of lessons'-the teacher's weekly homework before going to the theatre to see the film,'Aendhran' (the robot) with my sister-in-law (we call each other anni).

 My  smart sister-in-law
Tickets in hand,she got  everything else ready to get me leave the house in time.
We are truly opposite in nature : she confident and bouncy,I am quiet and worry about every single thing.Yet we get on well.She, a + 2 passed stunning beauty,a housewife settled in Kerala;.carried away by a modern Prithiviraj Chauhan ( a 12th century king famous for his romantic elopement ).  She looks after him well and he keeps her in style and dignity. But I struggle in every way.She would  chatter untiringly and I would just listen and nod.

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The movie

Ice cream and popcorn during the interval  and we came back in high spirits.But in the course of the household chores,I got to  thinking and  was immediately spotted by my Anni."What is it?"she asked.
"Nothing serious, really,but perhaps people like me could do with a robot, "I said.
Who wouldn't like a robot to help?" she said .
."Oh, writing notes of lessons is such a simple thing but see how it gets on my nerves! I'd even like to do an M.Phil but I don't think I can manage it," I said.

Her example - her sister-in-law

She pulled a chair opposite me,shook her head to throw back her hair and started,

"Anni, why do you think like that?" she asked.Do you remember my sister- in-law  Leena - the one who lives in Hyderabad?.   (Vaanmathi Anni was never short of examples and incidents with 7 sisters- in- law and 5 sisters On her list).

"She wanted to do her M.Phil in English literature. But she was a cross major and her guide just didn't think she'd do it. So she kept on grumbling. But Leena Anni  didn't give up. She  asked her guide for help  only now and then.And did lots and lots of reading herself.The author she had chosen from her latest 'story book' become the latest 'hit' even among the guide's friends.

Things had finally turned in her favour. The guide's voice, her tone,her expression began to change.She began to appreciate Leena's hard work and sincerity,her creativity.Together they formed a good team.
The guide finally told Leena," I've only given 65% as the highest mark so far. But to you I have alloted 75%".

Today she stands at the threshold of getting a job in a good college.If you had predicted this to Leena four years ago she would never have believed you. Aren't you better off than her?"
And I nodded as usual. And applied for my M.Phil.

My happy ending

Today is my graduation day. I am dressed up in my coat and hat.I just clicked a photo with Vaanmathi Anni. We looked at each other and
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said,"Remember?" at the same time and started laughing.                
 Neither of us mentioned what we remembered.
 It wasn't necessary.

                                                            (  As told to me by a friend)


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