Friday, 13 September 2013

A tribute to my special teachers - care to join me ?

Yuvaraj shows the symptoms - looks blankly at me, closes his eyelids and then his eyeballs  turn away. "No,no,Yuva, don't think like that," I said.

"I too used to fear grammar just like you - but see now I am teaching you English." I called him to stand beside me.I gave him my book and made him read out some sentences, either acting them out myself or making other students act them out substituting Yuvaraj's name for textual ones.
Years ago my teacher did the same thing to me : identified my fear,gave me special attention and treated me like I was a genius.I would  fail to pay         Miss Mary Rose a tribute if I didn't  follow her example.

All free

(Teachers day and its celebrations may have come and gone but what some of my teachers did for me still works in my life.I'd like to pay some special ones a tribute.
You may join me by paying a tribute to any of your special teachers.)

Then there was Mr Moorthy for Physics.His explanations were practical and jovial. "If 4 of you wanted to travel on a bike on a narrow road,"he would explain.
The police would be the resistance.You would be the current.Which would be easier to escape - a narrow road or a broader road ? So it is with a thin wire and a thick wire.

My chem master, Mr Zavier was humility personified. He was a great giver of gifts and scholarships though he dressed very humbly himself.Whether in the lab or in the classroom,he forever had beakers and flasks in hand, doing what seemed to me 'magical'.Adding two colourless solutions to get a coloured one or making   a coloured one become colourless just like that.Apart from this he'd  give us low cost soap fresh from  the lab.

My Bio M'am, Mrs. Mari Gopinathan made  us see the human body working  out its different systems right through her diagrams and models.

I think what made these teachers stand out is that they didn't place themselves or any student on a pedestal  while making the others look on. Like an elephant lifting a stranded person by the trunk, these teachers lifted the lower level students to a higher level by whatever  lively method they could.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  All free

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