Love opens all the doors that hate practically closes.Love builds people,spreads good will and good health.
Hate,on the other hand destroys people,separates them and brings tension and diseases.
Known facts, aren't they?
Yet what do we enjoy doing in real life? www.free digital photos.net
Watch hit movies of villains troubling people to the maximum and then falling suddenly to a befitting end.
A proof of love or hate?
We spend hours and hours, weeks, months brooding over what we missed in life.Do we spend at least half that time calculating our blessings? Our joys?

when our loved one joins the opposite group say in marriage, don't we see people rejecting even their own flesh and blood just out of hatred for the other group?
We may even understand the cases where their children deceive them or turn away unmindful of the parents' feelings.
But what about the cases where the parents themselves gave away their children to somebody they disapprove of later on? Doesn't hate override love for their young ones?
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What to say then of Communities,States,Nations, all acting out their policies on profit and gain, destabilize to win, threaten and rule.
Mesmerize, publicize, distract attention ,exploit, mis-define, mis-match examples of some words...aren't these part of our daily lives?

Love takes years and years to build, needs to be studied and understood in order to be fruitful.
Hate destroys in a second. www.free digital photos.net
But whom do we fear? Whom do we readily obey?
Who is more powerful?

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