Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Smuggling Praise, Pity and What-not through the Workplace

Smuggling Praise-

Many years ago, the Reader's Digest had an
 interesting article on a circus. Satya and Guru were two working elephants,who had to push the caravans from behind now and then. Suddenly Satya  seemed to be losing weight rapidly  while Guru was happily putting on weight.Even the vet couldn't find out what it was. Satya worked quietly while Guru pushed with all his might, perhaps to make up for Satya. At last Murli the mahout (elephant trainer) found out. Guru was only acting, making a big noise while Satya was working for both.

.If an elephant could use its brains to cheat, can man be far behind?

Once as I was distributing answer papers of the Quarterly Exams, I noticed that a clever girl had got an easy answer wrong." Why didn't you tell me,Lata?" I asked her."I would have taught you."

"But you didn't come to our exam hall, Miss,"the girl by her side replied. "You went to another hall the other side."

Nowadays its becoming important in child politics to find out earlier which teacher is alloted  which hall for which exam. And you should see the celebration! They even ignore calls of, "bring your books  and come, I'll show you an easy way to score marks."

Smuggling Pity-

One day as I was sitting in a standing bus, a young girl handed us leaflets of, 'we're from another state,we don't get jobs here because we don't know the local language.' As she came near me and stretched out her palm, I rose from my seat and said in her native language,
 "How long will you keep giving us this excuse? Come, my shop is nearby. I'll give you a job." She sped to the door handle using it like a pole- the way school girls do while  playing Kho-Kho  and with an amused giggle at me, jumped down. I never saw her after that. Beggary and creative beggary.
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Then there are those impressive people who sport the latest fashion  and move about in cars of the latest designs  but with  no  livelihood.They know how to hover around people like wild dogs, leaches or vultures and get gifts -  big or small.

But perhaps the most sophisticated are those who slip through  modern times adding to their scores, while   numerical slow-wits like me can't even remember how many zeroes in the digits are called by what name.
I only know that those are enoooooooooormous amounts.
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