Another favourite song played often by Radio Ceylon was, 'Chiquitita'(by Abba), a girl comforted by her friend that she was one she could rely on and that she should 'smile once more like she did before and sing a new song'. The background music makes it sound like its rolling and then jumping down the steps, one by one until it joins a wave and rolls back.
Of course 'Do. Re. Me.. was something we almost grew up on and then 'My favourite things' was everyone's Birthday Party favourite. By the time 'Country Roads, take me Home' was in vogue in my area, we joined hostels and had started counting the days when we could go home.
One Sunday morning our roomates were in the mood and dressed my beautiful friend and me in Saris just before we could start out. As it was our first experience with Saris, we stepped out gingerly. On our way back we had to get down a steep hill.Carefully we took each step. Suddenly a whirlwind passed just below us and a human figure moved from bush to bush saying, "You drape yourselves in curtains and think that you are top in style but the world is laughing at you".
Fear turned to curiosity. It was the voice of JIM REEVES. I wanted to go back and have a look at his face. But my friend grabbed me and pulled me back. "Are you mad?" she asked. He'll lift you up and throw you down the hill. And in this place can't say if we'll be able to get the body, even".
Looked like he was in long hair, long beard and rags. "But beggars and mad people don't speak in English, even in Ooty," I said. "Did you notice his voice, his accents?"
"He was brilliant and a great orator," she explained(she was from this place). But suddenly he lost his mind".
"Why didn't his parents take and treat him?"I asked, wondering how whoever educated him this well so far could suddenly leave him.
Just as we were finishing College, a young girl, 'Angel' (and who sang like an angel too) died suddenly in an accident. The last song she sang on stage was that'In the street, by and by we will meet on that beautiful shore'. Was it a co-incidence? Just like Gentleman Jim who flew away after he last sang, 'I'll fly away'.Perhaps God too likes these angels to sing to him....
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