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She gave me hope, confidence,
A will to live, not take offence
At senseless jibes.
The beauty of lives she revealed to me
And my own she held up for all to see.
She showed me trust
And owned me first
Till I shone
And stood on my own.

Love and charity
And made me hope
I'd have strength to cope
Till eternity.
She made up well
For the hell
I'd endured till then
And left open free digital
The door to happiness.
Then fate got us separated
My joy evaporated
I busied myself
To bridge the gulf
Over empty space.
With only memories
To still my agonies
Finally one day
I found a way
To meet my beloved.
Her love was the same
So was the place's fame
But I tasted tears

I tried to reason why:
I knew each step, each stone
But the post of my first appointment
Was now held by another
My table and chair occupied.
It felt as if
My sweetheart was in another's arms. free digital
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