Last year I was worried that our 10th Std students weren't able to cope up with the Samacheer System of Uniform Education as far as English was concerned. It was mainly because they do not have enough exposure to the spoken word.
But now that 6th to 8th Stds are given time and space for activities and CCE ( Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation), why not make use of the opportunity and share what we could do with these little ones?.
For example, this humorous song about vegetables would be common enough for villagers to be interested in. Children could either hold a vegetable in their hand or a picture or cut out of it.A group of children could be selected for singing it to the tune of, 'Merrily we go round the mulberry bush' or 'The wheels of the bus go round and round'.
Other children can be taught to come to the centre depending on the vegetable they represent.
Local drum beats can be included to give a war like atmosphere. Even if they are asked to learn only one line each, the whole class will tend to learn and enjoy the song.
Malini went to market,
market, market
Malini went to market to buy some vegetables.
Tomato and carrot,
Brinjal, pumpkin
Onion and beetroot - All in one bag.
Oh, you are crushing me,
crushing me (2)
Oh you are crushing me
Cried tomato to pumpkin.
Don't you dare mention my weight
mention my weight(2)
Don't you dare mention my weight
said pumpkin to tomato
You're jealous, pumpkin, accept it
accept it(2)
You're jealous, pumpkin,accept it
said brinjal siding tomato.
Red cheeks you say,asked beetroot
Red cheeks , you say asked beetroot
What can be redder than mine?
But red's not real beau u ty
beau u ty(2)
Red's not real bea u ty
said carrot skin shine
I'm sick of your beauty talk
beauty talk(2)
I'm sick of your beauty talk
how 'bout some health instead?
Then even I'll get a chance
get a chance(2)
Then even I'll get a chance
butted bittergourd
Still hopeful, you green cro co dile
Interrupted Onion.
Peace, peace, no tears, please
peace please(2)
All are welcome to my leaf
said peacemaker banana.
All the vegetables assemble together and kneel down while the banana leaves stand behind them.
( South Indians consider it a delicacy to eat from a banana leaf).
Other teachers please share your ideas too.
But now that 6th to 8th Stds are given time and space for activities and CCE ( Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation), why not make use of the opportunity and share what we could do with these little ones?.
For example, this humorous song about vegetables would be common enough for villagers to be interested in. Children could either hold a vegetable in their hand or a picture or cut out of it.A group of children could be selected for singing it to the tune of, 'Merrily we go round the mulberry bush' or 'The wheels of the bus go round and round'.
Other children can be taught to come to the centre depending on the vegetable they represent.
Local drum beats can be included to give a war like atmosphere. Even if they are asked to learn only one line each, the whole class will tend to learn and enjoy the song.
Malini went to market,
market, market
Malini went to market to buy some vegetables.
Tomato and carrot,
Brinjal, pumpkin

Oh, you are crushing me,
crushing me (2)
Oh you are crushing me
Cried tomato to pumpkin.
Don't you dare mention my weight
mention my weight(2)
Don't you dare mention my weight
said pumpkin to tomato
You're jealous, pumpkin, accept it
accept it(2)
You're jealous, pumpkin,accept it
said brinjal siding tomato.
Red cheeks you say,asked beetroot
Red cheeks , you say asked beetroot
What can be redder than mine?
But red's not real beau u ty
beau u ty(2)
Red's not real bea u ty
said carrot skin shine
I'm sick of your beauty talk
beauty talk(2)
I'm sick of your beauty talk
how 'bout some health instead?
Then even I'll get a chance
get a chance(2)
Then even I'll get a chance
butted bittergourd
Still hopeful, you green cro co dile
cro co dile (2)
Still hopeful, you cro co dileInterrupted Onion.
Peace, peace, no tears, please
peace please(2)
All are welcome to my leaf
said peacemaker banana.
All the vegetables assemble together and kneel down while the banana leaves stand behind them.

Other teachers please share your ideas too.
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