Sunday, 30 March 2014

The race for water.

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A  picture

A textbook in my school has a picture of a beautiful goldfish in a transparent pot of water.The pot has a tap at the bottom which is slightly open and so the water drips out.

Just a pictorial drawing, not even a photo.Yet, even at my age I tend to search for that page to see if the fish is safe or if the water has diminished...

 I  laugh  at myself and then I think-  aren't we in that fish's position?

Trees drying up

All around us we see acres and acres of dried up coconut trees. The ones that aren't dried up yet seem to be struggling in the battle for life. Other trees have dried up too but because  they are spaced apart it takes time to get our attention.

 Yet on deeper thought, these trees shouldn't have been here.They are meant for the sea shore and river beds. Men have planted them here for commercial reasons.Until now the rains helped us in time. So we didn't notice it. They  consume a dinosaurs' share of water while we look at each other in fear : the fear of our water sources drying up.
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Animals dying
 Yesterday the papers said that our forest animals had started    dying due to the drought and so the  officials were thinking of building artificial water holes for them.
 The legal process and then the practical process : its just that the existing animals must survive until then.
The clock ticks and temperatures soar. Yet it is only March. Winter's breadth of farewell is still upon us. April and then May. The ultimate test of survival. 

Uncertain future
 Some States (of India) had rain . And even floods. There was some talk of linking rivers. But again governments may change (elections are nearing). Who knows who will win? And what policies they will follow. Which groups  will they favour? 
Who will  the survivors be?


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Sunday, 9 March 2014

Dowry System - Why do the educated accept it?

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"Happy woman's day," we hear some people wish each other. A lucky few can afford to smile on hearing such greetings while to others it sounds meaningless. And to some others it triggers the flow of tears.
I heard a family discuss the various proposals of marriage that had come up for their daughter. The horoscope of one of the boys suited their daughter very well but it looked like the family expected much more dowry than these people had ever thought of.

The girl concerned was a brilliant student all her academic life and was now working at a Multi National Company - with the same qualification as the boy. Only thing  being elder, he was senior. The parents thought of gearing up for the inevitable - providing whatever the family asked for, when well wishers interrupted them and asked them to stop the mad race.

"Do you think you are doing her any good? they asked. What if this attitude continues throughout her life?
Let this boy go. The girl is still young and has ample number of possibilities before her."

This reminds me of another incident where a very beautiful girl was engaged to a boy two years her senior. Her father's  Fixed Deposit was to mature two months after the wedding which he had promised to give the couple to buy whatever they would need to start a new family. But hours before the wedding the groom threatened that if the amount was not given immediately he would isolate the bride , not let her meet her parents, etc. The father of the bride was confused. But her elder brother was very firm that the marriage be called off immediately, stating that they were lucky the marriage hadn't yet taken place. In India, this is a bold step because relatives and friends come from far and wide to attend a marriage.
The groom never expected it and apologized immediately, saying this and that. But that was that. The girl later married a nice boy and is happy.

What puzzles me is that after so many years of  education  and thought, people could still be so under developed in their brains.What once started as a parent's gift to their daughters for security in cases of emergency has now turned into a cheap trade, a business. They demand jewels which  are not going to be taken out of the bank lockers or used till the next generation anyway. It's not safe to be kept either at homes or to be worn by people.

 On the streets, in public buses and at shops we sometimes overhear young boys telling each other that they are doing this and that course not for love of the subject or to improve their prospects but to increase their rate as bridegrooms. One is shocked but I was presently surprised to hear a set of girls saying that they were doing the same courses as boys to snub them if they asked for any dowry.
What about those who can't study but still are worthy for what they are, who work all day at home to provide a caring, encouraging place for the family to grow and develop, I thought though I liked the spirit of fighting they were putting up.

This curse has resulted in so many abortions and ill treatment of girls even in their father's homes as if they were responsible for their gender or birth. In many States of India the proportions of the girl -  boy ratio is imbalanced and alarming.

Let those who are concerned with the amendment of laws do whatever they think best but it is the public attitude that matters ultimately. Girls specially should be aware of their basic human rights and their worth as individuals.
And well armed with the courage to use them whenever the need arises. 

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Sunday, 2 March 2014

An idea for English Teachers

Last year I was worried that our 10th Std students weren't able to cope up with the Samacheer System of Uniform Education as far as English was concerned. It was mainly because they do not have enough exposure to the spoken word.
But now that 6th to 8th Stds are given time and space for activities and CCE ( Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation), why not make use of the opportunity and share what we could do with these little ones?.

 For example, this humorous song about vegetables would be common enough for villagers to be interested in. Children could either hold a vegetable in their hand or a picture or cut out of it.A group of children could be selected for singing it to the tune of, 'Merrily we go round the mulberry bush' or 'The wheels of the bus go round and round'.
Other children can be taught to come to the centre depending on the vegetable they represent.
Local drum beats can be included to give a war like atmosphere. Even if they are asked to learn only one line each, the whole class will tend to learn and enjoy the song.
               Malini went to  market,
                                 market, market
                   Malini went to  market to buy some vegetables.
                       Tomato and carrot,
                         Brinjal, pumpkin
                   Onion and  beetroot - All in one bag.

                                Oh, you are crushing me,
                                                crushing me (2)
                                 Oh you are crushing me
                               Cried tomato to pumpkin.
                                 Don't you dare mention my weight
                                                       mention my weight(2)
                         Don't you dare mention my weight
                                                     said pumpkin to tomato

                                                You're jealous, pumpkin, accept it
                                                                                      accept it(2)
                                                You're jealous, pumpkin,accept it
                                                               said brinjal siding tomato.
                                                Red cheeks you say,asked beetroot
                                                Red cheeks , you say asked beetroot
                                                 What can be redder than mine?            

                                               But red's not real beau u ty
                                                                          beau u ty(2)
                                                Red's not real bea u ty
                                                       said carrot skin shine

                                                I'm sick of your beauty talk
                                                                        beauty talk(2)
                                                I'm sick of your beauty talk
                                                      how 'bout some health instead?

                                                  Then even I'll get a chance
                                                                       get a chance(2)
                                                   Then even I'll get a chance
                                                                    butted bittergourd

                                                  Still hopeful, you green cro co dile
                                                                     cro co dile (2)
                                                      Still hopeful, you cro co dile
                                                               Interrupted Onion.

                                              Peace, peace, no tears, please
                                                                            peace please(2)
                                               All are welcome to my leaf
                                                                        said peacemaker banana.

All the vegetables assemble together and kneel down while the banana leaves stand behind them.

( South Indians consider it a delicacy to eat from a banana leaf).

         Other teachers please share your ideas too.