A friend I know lent so much money to another friend of his that he could have built a fine house with it. You might have guessed the end.
The benevolent - turned stranger was ultimately chased out whenever he approached his beneficiary.
Perhaps such stories remind us of families where children born,cuddled and nurtured by parents suddenly only look at them with eyes of,"What more can I get from you?"...

.Yet that's the world, our minds tell us.
So that leaves us with our own personal experience with friends.
The ultimate test of friendship is whether you can trust your friend in money matters.
From of old there was the fear of the mixing of money and friendship. So those who valued money more shied off from such money lending friendships-and most of those who valued friendship more-have been blessed with the 'You happy, I happy, both happy' relationship.
For such friends the,'friend in need was the friend indeed'.

In rare cases where the friend in need turns out to be a fool indeed,the giver might find it more tolerable if it doesn't affect his own financial position too much .Or if the receiver is still in a pitiable condition.

Things change if the lender is himself in need of that money and it gets more unbearable if the receiver spends more lavishly than the lender.

How can such situations be avoided? We may first assess the receiver's principles.Or make sure we have a hold on that person or have the transaction in the presence of a powerful person .When everything else fails, perhaps the best thing to do would be to convince ourselves that we have given it for a good cause{and eschew bitterness} and that we may reap the corresponding type of benefits.

.All said and done, just as the planet Earth itself has more of life sustaining forces than destructive forces, so too the majority of humans are born or brought up with goodwill towards others.So let's not spoil our day dis-trusting others.
Let hope and trust rule...
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