The same mesmerising combination : scarlet and green. The same shades, I got to see it at last after a long search of around 40 years.
It was in the beautiful surroundings of Assam. A land of rain and sun. Of good cheer and innocence
(at least it was that then, 40 years ago). I spotted a scarlet flower in the garden at the front of our house. This flower grew in plenty behind my house, I knew but when did it land here?
I bent to pick it but something else moved beside it. A dark pepper with a tiny shutter opening and closing lightly like the wind. And then I understood.
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I was looking into the eye of a snake.! But again something was different. I was too close to it to think of fear. Moreover it was a small creature like me and only wanted to
escape. So I backed away slowly and gave it space. It almost seemed to smile and nod too. As she moved and swayed her belly and hips I couldn't help admiring her grace and beauty - I, who generally find reptiles creepy (pardon me, reptile lovers).
The colour combination and design on her back were perfect. I had not seen such a thing of beauty to match it until then -living or non living. I wondered why the textile industry had not thought up such a combination.
And I've wondered thus these forty years. Until yesterday. When after finishing my purchases I entered a shop just out of curiosity and was shown a saree with just that combination. Scarlet and green with a touch of gold. Alas! my purse was empty.
Though that shop was in another city and I have no chance of visiting it in the near future, a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That picture of beauty will remain in my mind for a long time to come.
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It was in the beautiful surroundings of Assam. A land of rain and sun. Of good cheer and innocence

I bent to pick it but something else moved beside it. A dark pepper with a tiny shutter opening and closing lightly like the wind. And then I understood.
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I was looking into the eye of a snake.! But again something was different. I was too close to it to think of fear. Moreover it was a small creature like me and only wanted to
escape. So I backed away slowly and gave it space. It almost seemed to smile and nod too. As she moved and swayed her belly and hips I couldn't help admiring her grace and beauty - I, who generally find reptiles creepy (pardon me, reptile lovers).

And I've wondered thus these forty years. Until yesterday. When after finishing my purchases I entered a shop just out of curiosity and was shown a saree with just that combination. Scarlet and green with a touch of gold. Alas! my purse was empty.
Though that shop was in another city and I have no chance of visiting it in the near future, a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That picture of beauty will remain in my mind for a long time to come.
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