Thursday, 23 October 2014

Down Memory's Lane - A school flower show

When my school announced that it was going to conduct a flower show, I found myself penning the following lines.  I realized  then that someday I might continue writing.

                                                                        all free

Come, see our flower show
Experience the joy that overflows
See the flowers sweet and bright
They'll fill you with delight.

Come out, lady blue bells
Gloriously throw back your sleepy selves
Greet this morn with your inauguration
Indeed, you've won our appreciation!

 Oh, you lily of the valleys
Reminder of love amidst purities                                                                                                                           You symbolize everything divine
How solemn your looks, how sublime.

Roses, roses everywhere
Denying their call is hard to bear
Roses with their heads held high
Are to all hearts ever nigh.

My dahlia, my beauty
How well you do your duty!
You smile like a naughty kid
And for praises you do bid.

                            all free 

Carnations! A beautiful creation
Always with a message of celebration!
Are you burdened with worries?
Let some carnations keep you merry.
                              to be cont'd                                                                                                                      free digital

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