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I'd like to invent
A thoughtoscope
to read (at a glance) people's thoughts
behind the smiles
and behind those silent tears
To know
analyse and understand
what caused them
or what people hide
from others and why.
And thus
cover the Earth
and record under columns
Then add up everything
and see
what weighs more:
Wild thoughts or noble,
Happy thoughts or sad
foolish or wise, cowardly or brave
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But then
such a multitude of thoughts
will weigh me down
when I can't bear even my own.
I'd disagree with most
Then how do I host
problems that man causes man
even his mother and father
sister and brother
We can only form a chain to unite
to radiate
Positive and strong thoughts
and pass them along
in a stream of goodwill
letting them multiply its force
as each player lends a hand
to volley them through the
courts of life.